Compare our Premium and Free Listing Benefits

  • Premium Listing Bonuses:
    Free Website Visibility  Report. Give this report to your webmaster to use as a checklist.  (Value $249)
    Free Google Business Profile – Pro Tips & Tricks E-Book.  Get the most out of your GBP. (Value $99)
    Free Professional Press Release published to the Thriving Oregon community and yours to distribute. (Value $349)
  • Premium Listing Exclusive Benefits:
    Premium Members have exclusive access to Featured Listings which showcase your business on the front page.
    Featured Listings are limited to six and are available only to Premium Members.
    FaceBook Co-op advertising opportunities are also available and include Free rotation for Featured Listings.
    We advertise to the Eugene Springfield businesses and residents on FaceBook continuously and Premium
    Members may purchase ad slots in our ad rotations to gain the benefit of advertising on FaceBook
    without the trouble or expense of managing and budgeting ads.
    Members can also advertise on the Thriving Oregon site and the Thriving Oregon Community Site to reach our website visitors.



Free Listing Info

  • Company Name

  • Business Description

  • Additional Details

  • Address

  • Phone

  • Website

  • Scheduled Days

  • Video

  • Image Slideshow

  • Shortcode



Premium Listing Info

  • Company Name

  • Business Description

  • Additional Details

  • Address

  • Phone

  • Website

  • Scheduled Days

  • Video

  • Image Slideshow

  • Shortcode

  • Website Visibility Report

  • Google Biz Profile E-Book

  • Professional Press Release

  • *Featured Listing Placement

  • *FaceBook Ad Co-Op

  • *Promote Your Sales/Specials

We want to hear from you.

Would you like your local business, organization or agency listed on Thriving Oregon? We would love to hear from you so we can help you with spreading the word about your involvment in the greater Eugene and Springfield area.